November 13, 2005

Illustration Friday - Strength

Had to overcome the lethargy of not having participated in IF for a few weeks ... so I did a pencil sketch as a warm-up exercise. Here's a straight-forward interpretation of this week's theme! Is she scary or what!?


Tony Sarrecchia said...

Reminds me of Cory Everson (sp) in the 80s. Nice job.

carla said...

She does look strong, and low body fat to boot! Nice pencil work:> By the way, your vacation photos are gorgeous...we missed you, but it looks like you were having a wonderful time...what an amazing place!

Anonymous said...

Wow, she *is* scary. Great illo :)

Leeza Hernandez Illustrator said...

Cool pencil work. And good entry for this week's ifri. It sums up women in so many ways aside from the obvious.
Amazing vakay photos, too, wow!

Anonymous said...

For a moment, I thought that was a scary yet pretty (or pretty scary) man! LOL
Cool sketch, you're a real pro!

isay said...

she's not scary at all but she must really be strong but she has a sweet face! cool!

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Is this electronic pencils or pencils on paper?

Unknown said...

V interesting character!!

Anonymous said...

She looks very scary, but she has a beautiful face.

constanthing said...

Thanks all for the nice comments! Btw Chuang, it's done with a mechanical pencil :u)