October 9, 2005

A Rhapsody of Roots 根之联想

This is my first post in Chinese. The picture was originally drawn for Illustration Friday's topic, 'Roots', a few weeks ago. I wanted to use roots as a metaphor for how people can't be judged from the surface, but didn't quite know how to put across what I was thinking in words. I'll try to translate my Mandarin blab here ...

A Rhapsody of Roots

Should people be trees, the soul shall be roots ...
Neglect not the roots that lie beneath the visible

Roots that probe deep ...
Tell of a solid foundation?
Or an indication of narrow-mindedness?

Roots that spread wide ...
Show a willingness to accomodate all?
Or simply a being too shallow to boot?

The same grain feeds a hundred different peoples
The same soil nurtures a hundred different roots
Have you attended to your roots lately?

Footnote: Eh, I hope it's not too corny :cp


Unknown said...

Lovely poem!

carla said...

Oh, this isn't corny at all. It's beautiful and heartfelt. I love the illustration...such delicate and fine work!

Catnapping said...

this is a beautiful poem, and a finely drawn illustration.

Todd DeWolf said...

I love this and it all works well together. Great poem.

Anonymous said...

It's definitely not corny. I care about my family and roots alot, and I love how you've put it into poetry and sketch. Nice! :)
BTW, are you attending the upcoming Children's Illustrator Conference in November? I'm looking for 2 other persons to join me for the registration as groups of 3 and above get $40 off on the fees!! :)
Do contact me at edrichsu@singnet.com.sg if you're keen or attending, would love to meet up anyway! :)