April 29, 2009


Here's Junior putting his hours at the Drama Enrichment Class to good use at the toy store.


Darcy Melton said...

I like it! You really capture the moment. *laughs*

trudette said...

Yes , we 've all been there , great picture !

Steph said...

Classic moment, great illo!

Rob Smith, Jr. said...

Ahh, the theatrics of the young! Well done!

MrBibleHead said...

He's quite the young actor...but the answer is still NO! Great work. Love the idea and your style.

froggie is... said...

(raises hand waaay up.) wow. so so guilty of that. then. but not now...except at home depot. or the apple store.

wonderful character, ct! love his anguished posture and expression. medea alll the way.

Anonymous said...

Way to capture the moment, a dramatic moment for parents; the ultimate "NO"... very good.