June 4, 2006


Fun with Photoshop :)


carla said...

That's such a cool effect! I like the white on black and then the bit of blue negative...very mysterious!

HARDWAX said...

This is s very, very cool piece of work. Framing a portion of the face in a blue negative, really fascinating and kind of eerie.

constanthing said...

Here's what I did - I selected the frame part from the original layer on Photoshop and pasted it on a new layer. Then I applied different filters on the layers, and voila. It's a simple process, didn't take long, and quite a fun experiment.

Edric Hsu said...
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Edric Hsu said...

Hey dude, it's been ages since I visited your blog or done any new illos! But I'm back, and glad to see all your recent works! Love this one too, it's the most different from your usual style! :D