May 6, 2006

Illustration Friday - Fat

Can you imagine a health and fitness program for school kids called T.A.F. (Trim And Fit, of course)? It exists here in Singapore, no kidding.

I can't fathom what kind of psychological damage such a tag puts on young children. The person who came up with such a cruel name for a program (it's meant to help overweight kids, anyway) must have thought he or she is oh-so-witty.

Since 'Fat' is such an easy topic to do, I had more than one piece done this week ... inspired by all the scantily clad women in the tropics, who wear whatever is in fashion regardless of, eh, built.


Christine Lim said...

Great illos!

MD said...

I'd never heard of the TAF programme.... what a dreadful name!! Great illustrations and the second one of the two really makes me laugh. I'm a teacher and I frequently see girls dressed like this, regardless...!

J. E. Morris said...

Nice iamges. I feel so bad for the kids in the TAF program - what were they thinking.

Anonymous said...

I lve everything on this blog ... so clean and yet so nuanced

carla said...

That must be very difficult for the children who have to attend the program, but hopefully it can help them have better lifestyle habits. Both lllos are great - the bottom one reminds me of the girls who walk around schools with all kinds of body parts hanging out...and yes, they don't care if they're fat or thin!