May 29, 2006

Illustration Friday - Cake

Earl did not live a ripe old age for a lack of precaution against fire hazards.


Radha a.k.a Ratlion said...

Lol! You've done it again! This is hilarious!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh this is funny. Great job.

Kim de Young said...

Oh he is soooo delighted! I hear when you turn 100 you get a letter from the President congratulating you.

Anonymous said...

aw, this is heartwarming. the shadows and subtle smoke are great.

carla said...

You always have the funniest angle on the topics! Poor old Earl! I guess his birthday party was a real blast!

Jannie aka Chickengirl said...

love the details..the quilt is great!

Vern Mercado said...

i like the way you handled the light from the candles and smoke. very subtle and good illo.