February 18, 2006

Illustration Friday - Song

A song changes how you feel
A song brings back memories of places, people, and even smells
A song triggers the unexpected
From the deep recesses of the mind


LARGE ART said...

This is fantastic! Great job.

Corrine said...

very cool!

Karlishhh said...

cool, es Fantastico!! good idea

Unknown said...

AWESOME!! GREAT illo!! ipod ROCKS and you illo ROCKS too!

Weichuen You said...

Your words say exactly what I think! You are amazing!

carla said...

This is a perfect illustration of the many moods of music! This reminds me of my students who often share one ipod between two people - they sit side by side, each with an earbud, connected by the music.

Anonymous said...

Excellent faces. I have been doing some data entry work for a company replacing electrical items for insurance company clients - you have NO IDEA how many MP3 players get dropped in the bath or down the toilet!!

Radha a.k.a Ratlion said...

Very cool illo...

Anonymous said...

I love this! Especially listing the different moods of songs on the player as reflected in your facial expressions! :)

Anette Heiberg said...

I like how you have illustrated this idea. Nice! Good use of colors too.

Ellen said...

Great job! Love the expressions!!

Bearuh said...

Hehe funny