January 30, 2006

My aquarium used to look like this ...

Feeling nostalgic about how healthy my aquarium once looked, now it's just a mess.


Unknown said...

what's a beatuiful aquarium!! WOW!

Anonymous said...

la la la a bit too crowded with plants though. don't see any fish

Anonymous said...

This does look great. Have to differ with anonymous though, a good aquaium will be mostly plants... much more natural and healthy. I'm considering tearing mine down (29g) for the first time in about 5 years, and not putting it back up for a while. Only a few guppies left anyway and I have a nephew with an oscar /:-P I havn't been without a running aquarium for about 15 years. When I DO get it set back up some day, I only hope it turns out as nice as these pics.

constanthing said...

My sentiments exactly, Don. My main motivation for keeping the aquarium was the plants, the tetras were just to add a dash of life. But it was hard to maintain, especially the riccia which I kept once. Now the only thing left in my tank is the java moss, which is becoming quite a mess and looking like a jungle!