December 4, 2005

Illustration Friday - Blue

Here's a girl, I'll call her Ruth
Who she is, I have no clue
But there's one thing I know is true
Is that she always look so blue


Doug said...


bee'nme said...

Just GREAT! I love her! I especially like some of the little touches, like the swirl of leaves in the background and the texture of the grass. Just wonderful!

Dana S. Whitney said...

I've only known a few pre-teens who had pouts this profound.

Anonymous said...

Love that cross sulky face!

Lydia Sanchez said...

Oh! This ilustration is adorable!! Very Nice!!! :-D

Rowantree said...

Beautiful !

Pickledog said...

So cute and unhappy. Great illo.

carla said...

I love blue Ruth–she has that perfect preteen scowl under those wonderful blue bangs!

Alison Ashwell said...

cute character

Jen said...

haha she has the best look on her face... that's great

Unknown said...

lovely illo

Jeope said...

Hey, that's a fine piece of work. I think I recognize the leaves blowing through the background - that's a brush in Photoshop, right? You put it to use nicely. Good work.

constanthing said...

You got me, Jeope ... Both the swaying grass and swirling leaves are done with Photoshop brushes. I've always wanted to use these awesome brush strokes for something, and Ruth's hair-in-the-wind provided the opportunity. Glad y'all like it!

InĂªs Rosa said...


Yur work is very nice. I really like it, simple and beautiful*

Anonymous said...

Well well... I am a Ruth and I am quite blue.


AIM: OOrangeshirt

Anonymous said...

Hello. I am also a Ruth quite Blue.