November 25, 2007

Holy ... Holly's Hot!

One month early, but Holly can't wait ... neither can Santa.

Imitation Kawasaki

I did an imitation Audrey Kawasaki on a cheap $2 wooden board from Daiso. I think it looks nice ... but only from a distance. The wood grain is perfect for skin tone. It's all done with pencils, because I'm too chicken to use paints on the wood ... maybe next time.


The sketch and the pencils.

November 21, 2007


"Beauty is frequently boring, everybody knows what beauty is. With ugliness, there is an infinity of formations that can take place." Umberto Eco

November 11, 2007

Arrested Development

"Aw, c'mon!!! Not even an ounce more after binging for 3 straight days?!" - A staple lament directed at my scale

November 5, 2007
